Forms and Practice Drills


The Eight

The Right Handed Form

Practice Drills:

All drills are with single sword unless otherwise noted.

Five Basic Blocks and Strikes

Purpose: To learn the fundamental blocks and strikes and repeat them into muscle memory. This helps develop control.

Requires one or two people.

Note: The attacker count on the first strike of each set until the desired total is reached. If a block is missed, the attacker should lightly hit the defender. Moving in a rotational direction is acceptable.

Right Handed (right hand on top):


High block arms uncrossed, to low block right side, to low block left side, to side block right side, to side block left side, and repeat.


Head strike straight down, to low strike left side, to low strike right side, to middle strike left side, to middle strike right side, and repeat.

Left Handed (left hand on top):


High block arms uncrossed, to low block right side, to low block left side, to side block right side, to side block left side, and repeat.


Head strike straight down, to low strike left side, to low strike right side, to middle strike left side, to middle strike right side, and repeat.

The Hundred

Purpose: To increase endurance and to practice rapid attacks and defenses.

Requires two people.

One person is designated as the attacker and the other the defender. In rapid succession the attacker attacks the defender one hundred times. The defender tries to block or dodge as many shots as possible. Count all attacks regardless of block, hit, or miss. Movement in any direction is acceptable but do not move faster than a step at a time.

Three Person Drill

Purpose: To learn how to keep attention on two targets. Also practices standing one’s ground and conditioning to being hit and still acting.

Requires three people.

One person plants a foot that they may pivot on but may not lift off the ground. Two people working together attack the one continuously. All attack and defend normally, but hits do not count. After a set period of time rotate the solo fighter.